What is Anodontia (Hypodontia)?


Anodontia and hypodontia are types of tooth agenesis, which is the congenital absence of some or all primary or permanent teeth. Hypodontia is the absence of 1 to 5 teeth, and anodontia is the absence of all teeth. Oligodontia is the absence of 6 or more teeth. Hypodontia is used as an umbrella term for all types of tooth agenesis.

Hypodontia usually occurs as a feature of one of the ectodermal dysplasias, a group of hereditary disorders which affect the development or function of the teeth, hair, skin, and nails.

Signs and Symptoms

The absence of teeth is the primary symptom of tooth agenesis. When a child has not grown any primary teeth by the age of 3, or when a 14-year-old does not have any permanent teeth, the anomaly is usually noted, and a dentist should be consulted. Wisdom teeth are an exception: it’s common for someone to not develop wisdom teeth, and generally, no action is required.


Hypodontia is passed down genetically. Even if neither parent has hypodontia, a child can have it if they receive a non-working gene from both parents.


Hypodontia occurs in 2 to 8 percent of the population. Complete anodontia is even more rare. Hypodontia occurs at the same rate in males and females. Nearly half of all children who have hypodontia in their primary teeth will also have it in their permanent teeth.


Treatment of tooth agenesis will be different for each case, depending on the number of teeth missing, their location, and the age of the individual. Different types of treatment include braces, dental implants, crowns, or dental bridges.

To learn more about tooth agenesis, call or stop by Ridge View Dental in Ogden, Utah to make an appointment!

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