What is the Best Solution for Missing Teeth?

What is the Best Solution for Missing Teeth?

Losing a tooth as an adult can be stressful. Fortunately, there are several methods for replacing missing teeth. The best solution, however, really depends on each individual’s circumstances and priorities. There are three main solutions: dental implants, dentures, and bridges.

Dental Implants

Dental implants involve a semi-invasive procedure. Your oral surgeon will insert a titanium post in your gum tissue. This will act as your new tooth root. After the area has healed and grafted onto the post, your surgeon will attach a connecting piece, known as an abutment, followed by a crown specially made to look like your teeth.

Pros of Dental Implants

  • Can last decades or even a lifetime

  • Indistinguishable from real teeth in appearance, feel, and function

  • Jawbone will not deteriorate

Cons of Dental Implants

  • More expensive than other solutions

  • Requires semi-invasive surgery


A denture is an artificial set of real teeth that is removable. Dentures made for just the top or bottom teeth are known as partial dentures and dentures for both sets of teeth are called full dentures. Your dentist creates the dentures based on the shape of your real teeth.

Pros of Dentures

  • Lower cost

  • Can be removed

  • No surgery required

Cons of Dentures

  • Can be uncomfortable and ill-fitting

  • Can look unnatural

  • Jawbone may deteriorate due to lack of stimulation


Bridges are ideal for one or two missing teeth. A bridge replaces a missing tooth with an artificial tooth secured by two crowns placed on the adjacent teeth.

Pros of Bridges

  • No surgery required

  • Quick process

Cons of Bridges

  • Bone deterioration may occur

  • Not as durable as implants

Still not sure what solution is best for you? Come visit us at Ridge View Dental; we will be happy to help you!

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