When should I wear a mouthguard?

When should I wear a mouth guard?

A mouthguard is a great tool to protect your oral health. There are different types of mouthguards, but a custom mouth guard fitted specifically to your teeth is the most comfortable and effective. Here at Ridge View Dental, we are happy to offer our patients custom mouth guards that prevent damage from grinding and clenching, protect your mouth during physical activity, and even improve your sleep! 

If you’re wondering whether you should be wearing a mouth guard, they are generally most beneficial in the following situations:

Grinding and Clenching

Teeth clenching and grinding is common for many people, especially at night. Tooth enamel is often damaged when teeth grind together, which can lead to severe pain or even extraction in extreme cases. Wearing a mouth guard prevents grinding by separating your top and bottom teeth. This alleviates muscle tension caused by clenching, which can prevent jaw problems from developing and help relieve any existing jaw pain. 

Snoring and Sleep Apnea

A specific kind of mouthguard is used to treat snoring and sleep apnea that pulls the lower jaw forward to further open your airways. If you struggle with snoring or sleep apnea, a mouthguard can be a great option to help you get more restful and healthy sleep.

Physical Activity

Wearing a mouthguard while playing sports or participating in other rigorous physical activities can help prevent mouth, teeth, and jaw injuries. The most common facial injuries for athletes are dental injuries, which can be very painful and expensive to treat. Wearing a mouth guard to prevent such injuries is beneficial for any athlete, but especially those who play contact sports like soccer, wrestling, basketball, lacrosse, football, etc. A mouthguard can be helpful in any situation where your mouth may need extra protection.

If you have any other questions or concerns about mouth guards, give us a call at 801-334-9444 or stop by our office today!

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