9 Questions to Ask at Your Dental Cleaning Appointment


A dental cleaning is an appointment you will most likely attend many times. Despite this, you might still be a little nervous. When you don’t know what to expect, any appointment is nerve-wracking.

One of the best ways to come to your appointment confidently is to know what questions you should ask. Soak in all the dental advice and knowledge you can about your dental hygiene!

The dental cleaning process typically includes the following:

  • Inspection from dentist

  • X-rays (possibly)

  • Plaque removal with a small metal scraper

  • Polish with paste

  • Flossing and rinsing

  • Final checkup

That final checkup from the dentist gives you a prime opportunity to ask specific questions about your teeth. Some questions you might consider asking are the following:

  1. How is my overall dental health, and what should I do differently?

  2. How would you suggest I prevent gum disease? What should I watch for?

  3. Almost every toothpaste brand is recommended by dentists. What would you recommend for me?

  4. Would other floss options be good for me, like a water flosser?

  5. I feel pain here when I do certain things, like eating hard food. What does that mean?

  6. How can I brush better?

  7. Do you have any teeth-whitening recommendations or insight?

  8. What are some of the most common dental hygiene mistakes you see made?

  9. When should I schedule my next appointment?

These 9 dental questions can give you extra clarity and confidence leaving your dental cleaning appointment. That way, when you return for your next appointment, you can be slightly more confident in your dental hygiene. 

Reach out to Ridge View Dental to schedule a dental cleaning today!

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