What Causes Tooth Gemination?

tooth gemination, giant tooth, large tooth, gum tissue, baby teeth

Tooth gemination is an intriguing phenomenon that does not have a sure cause. This phenomenon occurs when two teeth develop from only one tooth bud. Tooth gemination creates one giant tooth that can cause other problems when left unexamined or untreated.

While the treatment is usually not complex (as tooth gemination typically occurs in baby teeth), the causes are primarily unknown and leave much to discover.

There are a few possible causes, however, but none are definitive.

Vitamin Deficiency

The vitamins we intake not only affect gut health but the entire body. Teeth are one of the affected areas. Ensuring proper vitamin intake might help prevent a variety of tooth development abnormalities, including gemination.

Infection or Inflammation

Infection and inflammation from other gum tissue problems are known causes of tooth developmental issues. Taking proper care of your young baby’s gums and mouth can assist teeth as they grow.

Prenatal Drug Usage

Some medications can create future development obstacles for children when the medications are taken during pregnancy. Consult with your doctor on which medications are safe for you during pregnancy to help mitigate risk.


Unfortunately, many developmental factors of teeth stem directly from genetics. Many patients are not even aware of the dental history of their parents and grandparents. While there is not much in the way of prevention for these cases, visiting a dentist at Ridge View Dental can help you determine the best course of treatment for your unique smile.

Call Ridge View Dental today to schedule your appointment and start your dental journey.

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