Can Braces Cause Headaches?

Can Braces Cause Headaches?

If you are experiencing headaches during your orthodontic treatment, you might be wondering if your braces or clear aligners are the cause. There are many things that can cause headaches, so it could be your braces, or it could be something entirely different.

Headaches Caused by Braces

Braces can cause headaches primarily after they have been installed or after they have been tightened. If you use clear aligners, you may experience headaches after switching to a new set of trays. When your braces are tightened, or when you begin wearing a new set of clear aligners, pressure is applied to your teeth which slowly moves them into their proper positions and can cause pain or discomfort.

Sometimes this discomfort can manifest as a headache. This discomfort and the accompanying headache should only last for one or two days. A headache from orthodontia can be treated with over-the-counter painkillers, like Tylenol or ibuprofen. If your headache persists for more than two days following the installation or tightening of your braces, contact your orthodontist.

Other Causes of Headaches

It’s possible that your headache is caused by something other than your braces, such as:

  • A lack of sleep or inconsistent sleep patterns

  • Nitrates found in processed foods

  • Dehydration

  • Skipping meals

  • Poor posture

  • Excessive screen time

  • Alcoholic beverages

  • Stress

  • Teeth grinding or clenching

Headaches are often caused by a combination of several factors. A common combination that can cause headaches is excessive screen time, a lack of sleep, and dehydration. If you experience frequent headaches, with or without braces, contact your family doctor and they will help you determine the cause of your headaches.

For more information about headaches accompanying your braces treatment, contact Ridge View Dental. We look forward to serving you!

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