Dental Implants vs Permanent Dentures

Dental Implants vs Permanent Dentures

There are many ways you can replace missing teeth, including dental implants and permanent dentures. They are similar methods of restoration, so here is how they compare.

What Are Dental Implants?

        Dental implants consist of three parts: a titanium implant post which serves as the tooth root, an abutment, and a prosthetic crown. If you lost your teeth many years ago you may need a bone graft before the implant can be placed. The dental implant procedure involves a few steps, beginning with bone grafting if necessary. Next the implant post is placed in the jawbone. Once the tissue is fully healed, your dentist will attach the abutment and the crown, and you will once again have full function of the tooth.

What Are Permanent Dentures?

        Also known as fixed dentures, permanent dentures consist of two main parts: four to six implant posts, and a full set of dentures. The implant posts are placed in the jaw, spaced out in intervals. After the tissue has healed, the denture prosthetic is permanently screwed onto the implants, and just like that you have a full set of teeth. The dentures will stay firmly in place, even when you eat or smile. They will look and feel just like your natural teeth.

If you need to replace all 32 teeth, permanent dentures are most cost effective compared to dental implants. Dental implants are best suited for those who need to replace a handful of teeth.

Both dental implants and permanent dentures will look, feel and function just like natural teeth. Each option has a similar procedure and number of appointments. At the first appointment you will get a bone graft if it is needed. The implants are placed at the next appointment. At the final appointment, the restoration is attached to the implants.

Are you trying to decide between dental implants and permanent dentures? Schedule an appointment with us at Ridge View Dental! We will help you determine which option is right for you.

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