What is causing my teeth grinding or clenching?
If you often experience headaches, jaw soreness, tooth sensitivity, or muscle tension in the face, you may be grinding or clenching your teeth. This condition, known as bruxism, can be mild and temporary, but severe bruxism can lead to damaged teeth and jaw disorders.
Common Causes
Bruxism is often correlated with stress and anxiety. Some people may even use teeth grinding as a coping mechanism or a concentration strategy.
Other causes include:
Sleep issues such as snoring or sleep apnea.
Certain medications.
Habits like smoking, doing drugs, and drinking alcohol.
Additional Factors
In addition to the previously mentioned causes, other factors may play a part in teeth grinding or clenching:
Age. Bruxism is most commonly found in younger patients, though they commonly grow out of the habit once their adult teeth have grown in.
Personality type. Aggressive or hyperactive personality types tend to clench or grind their teeth more.
Family history. Often, those with bruxism have family members with bruxism.
Disorders. Disorders such as Parkinson’s disease, GERD, epilepsy, night terrors, and ADHD can play a part in teeth grinding or clenching.
Breaking the Habit
You can take simple steps to stop a teeth-grinding habit. A dentist can provide a special mouthguard to wear when you sleep. You can also practice relaxation and stress management techniques, especially before bed. A consistent sleep routine may also help prepare your mind for restful sleep.
If you want more information on the causes and treatments for bruxism, contact our office at Ridgeview Dental today to speak with a dental professional. We’re here to help!